OK, up till now, very little has been accomplished. The boat is stable on the trailer, with jack stands on four corners. I also support the bow and stern, hull center with four step ladders with cross member support, using Styrofoam wedges. I do not like movement while on the boat. This has well steadied when walking below and on deck.
It has been my practice on the last three boats to do one simple task first. Well it is not simply, but I have understood the vessel better. No its not a survey, that would not be feasible for this vessel.
It's cleaning ! I have found that if I before ripping out, except for the obvious, cleaning all the the large and small areas, all the problems will become apparent. From major to minor. Plus, I an vision what I want to do in an area.
So I started with the dirtest, tightest, darkest area of the boat that I can crawl into. Forgot something, before starting cleaning, I wanted make sure there were no four, six, twelve legged surprises. So set off a bug bomb and allow it work over night. I did and avoided some companions. Back to cleaning. So on the starboard aft storage to the port side it was all cleaned and ready to paint. (some of this may have been address at a prior date on the blog, humor me, I am on a roll) This boats stern either was down or water came in to around two foot. So I know that the sole will need to be checked for rotten wood. So, I ripped out the plywood berth seats/cover, whatever, have a clean all areas. The inside so the hull has only one areas I need to fiberglass. It nothing significant, when built, they left a tag dry from resin.
So that is where I am. To help me organize, since my age is significant, I have email a gentleman that purports he has a book that may be able to help. We will see. If so, I will share. Who am I kidding, I am the only one reading this !
Lights out. I think that this was kind of the same thing I wrote last time. Who cares. It my back and acking T%$@. I will get my camera working so that pictures of progress or lack of can be posted
One thingI will have asked assitance is how to work on the bottom where the trailer rails are. Normally at the yard it would not be an issue.
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