Sunday, June 1, 2008

More Info is good info

Found a site of a gentleman that has restored a 22 O'Day. He is must more detail than I am. Made a paper copy to pick up some tips from his work. Interesting that he is own the road in Carboro NC.

At this point, I will be moving to continue to box beneath the cockpit for the batteries . Currently planning to install two.

Cut a port in the sole in order to work on the bilge. What I found was the same as the gentleman above. Delamination. So that is the next project.

1 comment:

grizzles said...

Hey Tom! Thanks for linking to my blog. Hope that you've found something helpful on it. I updated it a couple of days ago with some new pics. I just wrapped up all of my boat projects Friday... it's off to the lake soon! I will post some more pics of the finished project. Just give me a shout if you have any questions/tips/stories, I'd love to hear about your adventures with your 22.
