Monday, November 12, 2007

Difficult Time, Nay Just life - November 12, 2007

So, back to the boat. Wasn't that a transition....

I have got both bulkheads done. I have glassed the overhead and had the plates made to back the hinge for mast on deck. Removed all the foam beneath the cockpit and cleaned. Now is the time to decide whether to cut out the flooring. It seems sturdy, perhaps well enough alone. It depends on the bilge area. If that can be addressed without removing the floor. Perhaps if I make entrances in section along the bilge. We will have to see.

I have had a good life and should not complain. But, I need to get back in the bay.

By the way, go back to 8/11/07. Quote" I don't plan to spend too much." Dare I say more. This is just another hole in the water (driveway) to pour money into. At this point we are at $1500 for all costs including boat itself.

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