Since listing the O'Day on "craigslist", have several inquiries. The plan is to continue to list till sold, unless a certain young man, Cameron, would like.
As with the Westerly, both Morgans
would like the O'day brought back to initial condition, with, of course, improvements.
IF, I was starting again on this project, would I have changed my agenda? Nope, not one bit.
As to me, as Dale Carnegie continues to be a renewing influence, I am more positive than ever. How fortunate can one be? I have a loving, beautiful, highly intelligent counterpart, who in her own sphere is a successful business person, a fantastic brilliant son that I love, a grandson who will conquer the world if encouraged, a loving sister that I adore, current and future family members that have entered my life, my unbelievable joy in helping kids of all ages and of course my dogs, past and present.
The Lord and the Universe have watched over this fool. Thanks
Though I came to the realization years ago, I cannot change the past, I do not know the future, I can live for today by doing no harm.